Water and Wastewater Treatment Engineering
- 0000-0002-0442
- h-index: Scopus: 47
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Prof. Ali Akbar Zinatizadeh is a productive professional in the field of Environmental Engineering and Innovative Technologies for Wastewater Treatment and Resource Recovery working in academia for more than 25 years. Focus is on development of innovative treatment technologies for industrial wastewaters including Biological Nutrient Removal and Recovery, Nutrient Recovery Cells, Membrane Processes, Advanced Oxidation Processes, Electrocoagulation and Bioenergy Production including Anaerobic Digestion Process, Bio-Hydrogen Production, Microbial Fuel Cell and technologies for waste and water-energy nexus. Broad expertise and work in a multidisciplinary field and solving complex problem. Improving and optimizing municipal and industrial wastewater treatment plants to reduce environmental pollution. With extensive experience across various levels of academia enables to develop innovative engineering approaches to have a positive impact on people, the planet, communities, and various economic sectors. With expertise in industrial activities, teaching and research centers meet all criteria for being in an academic position. An author of more than 240 scientific papers published in internationally accredited Journals with H-index 52 and number of Citations 15200 (Google Scholar). Receiving the National Award as outstanding Researcher in Engineering, Iran (2020) and National Distinguished Professor in Engineering, Iran (2023). Being selected as the National Distinguished Scientist in industry and society, Iran, (2021). Nominating in the list of the top 2% Scientists in the world since 2019. Secured approximately one million USD and supervised 76 postgraduates from both faculties of Environmental/Chemical Engineering and Applied Chemistry.
Sewer Hydraulic
- 0000-0001-6169-3654
- h-index: Scopus: 48
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Hossein Bonakdari, Ph.D, earned his Ph.D in Civil Engineering at the University of Caen-France. He has supervised several PhD and MSc students with teaching experience of more than 12 years in field of Water Resources Management and Artificial Intelligence application in practical engineering applications. His fields of specialization and interest include: water resources management; hydrological modelling; artificial intelligence; sustainable development; time series. He has developed different classes of quantitative modelling approaches to deal with the large amounts of water resources data he has encountered during research projects and to address a shortage of existing empirical, semi-empirical, and simplified equations in water resources management. Dr Bonakdari highlighted new insight in time series modeling for monitoring, real time prediction, optimization, and automation environmental variables through the decision-making abilities of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML). Results obtained from his researches have been published in more than 250 published papers in international journals (h-index=42). He has also more than 150 presentations in national and international conference. He published three books. He has secured several external research funding sponsored by government and related water resources cpmpanies/industries. Dr. Bonakdari is currently leading several research projects in collaboration with industrials partners. He is ranked among the top 2.5% of the world's top researchers on ResearchGate. In 2020, Dr Bonakdari classified in the list of 2% of the most influential people of science in the world.
Editorial Board
Wastewater, Biofilm, Nutrient Removal
- 0000-0003-0658-4775
- h-index: 190
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Mark van Loosdrecht is Professor in Environmental Biotechnology at Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands. He graduated (MSc/PhD) from Wageningen University. His PhD research was a combination of Microbiology and Colloid Chemistry. He was appointed at Delft in 1988 and became Full Professor in 1999. His research is characterized by the combination of scientific understanding of complex systems and development of new processes. Dr. van Loosdrecht’s scientific interests are mainly related to biofilm processes, nutrient conversion processes and the role of storage polymers in microbial ecology. In particular, he is interested in new processes related to wastewater treatment and resource recovery. His research has resulted in several processes currently applied on full scale such as the BCFS process, Sharon process, Anammox process and Nereda process. He is active member of the International Water Association (IWA) and past chairman of the Biofilm and the Nutrient removal specialist groups. He is Editor-in-Chief of Water Research. He obtained several prizes for his work, including the Lee Kuan Yew Singapore Water Prize, Stockholm Water Prize and the IWA Grand Award. He is member of the Royal Dutch Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW) and the Dutch Academy of Engineering (AcTI) and the US National Academy of Engineering (NAE). He was awarded a knighthood in the order of the Dutch Lion. He has published over 700 scientific papers, has 15 patents and has supervised over 50 PhD students.
Editorial Board
Nanosciences, Nanophotonics, Solar energy, Biomimicking green, Nanochemistry
- 0000-0002-3820-7838
- h-index: 100
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Professor Malik Maaza is the UNESCO-UNISA AFRICA Chair in Nanosciences and Nanotechnology, a trilateral partnership between UNESCO, the University of South Africa (UNISA) and the National Research Foundation of South Africa (NRF). He is a senior scientist staff member of the National Research Foundation of South Africa and the University of South Africa (UNISA). He holds a PhD in neutron quantum optics from the University of Pierre-Marie Curie and an MSc in Photonics and Lasers from the University of Pierre-Marie Curie and Paris Sud University. Following his PhD research studies carried out at the Laboratoire Leon Brillouin-Orphee nuclear reactor in Saclay of the French Atomic Energy Corporation, he gained extra experiences via several postdoctoral positions at the University of Le Maine, the Institut D’Optique Theorique et Appliquee of Orsay-Fance, the Quantum Neutron Interferometry Groups of the Atominstitut der Osterreichishen Univ.-Vienna-Ausria, the Frank Laboratory, Dubna-Russia, as well as at the Berliner Hahn-Meitner Institute in Germany. Since 1996—in Africa (bulk of his research in South Africa)—he has devoted his efforts to initiate and implement several research programmes and world-class laboratories in South Africa visited by several North and South junior and senior scientists. He has authored (or Co- authored) about 350 international peer reviewed ISI-CSI publications in reputable journals. From the education and the human capital development perspective, Prof. Maaza has attracted and trained a significant cohort of postgraduate students (~80 MSc and PhD students) from different corners of the globe and the African continent specifically with a focus on previously disadvantaged communities and female students.
From the science diplomacy point of view, He has pioneered several sound national and continental STEM platforms in Africa such as the South African Nanotechnology initiative (SANi) whose strategy was launched by the South African Ministry of Science and Technology and the Nanosciences African Network (NANOAFNET) launched jointly in Trieste-Italy with the Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP) and the Academy of Science for the Developing World (TWAS). LIkewise, He has been very active in the field of Photonics where he co-initiated and implemented the National Laser Centre of South Africa (NLC-SA) as well as the African Laser Centre (ALC). This latter continental STI platform is an ongoing successful Flagship programme of the African Union-New Partnership for Africa Development (AU-NEPAD). Through these national, continental platforms, a sustainable human capital development and mobility of senior scientists have been implemented.
Prof. Maaza is the youngest fellow of the African and Islamic Academies of Science and is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry-London and the New York Academy of Science. He has been bestowed with a number of national and international awards. Additionally, he is an active member of several juries and committees of international agencies and foundations: The International Swedish Cooperation Programme; The UNESCO-LOreal international award for Women in Science; National contact point of the South Africa-Swiss and the South Africa-Japan bilateral nanosciences cooperationives; and the International Commission of Optics (ICO-CIO).
Editorial Board
Environmental Engineering, Environmental Engineering, Water and Wastewater Treatment, Solid Waste Management
- 00 605 368 7346
- 0000-0002-6254-5693
- h-index: 51
Editorial Board
Chemical Engineering-Environment, Chemical reaction, Renewable energy, Environmental engineering, Oleochemical engineering
- 604-599 6411
- 0000-0001-6394-2917
- h-index: 70
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Professor Dr Ahmad Zuhairi Abdullah received his B. Tech (Hons), MSc, and PhD in 1995, 2000, and 2004, respectively. He was the Deputy Dean (Industry and Community Network) at School of Chemical Engineering, Universiti Sains Malaysia between 2010-2012 and Deputy Dean (Research and Postgraduate Studies) between 2013-2018. He will also serve his deanship of the school in 2022-2024. He is registered as a Professional Technologist at Malaysian Board of Technologists (MBOT) and a Fellow Member of Institut Kimia Malaysia. His research works mostly involve the use of ordered porous materials in oleochemical reactions, renewable energy, waste treatment, and waste valorization. He has nearly 300 refereed publications in journals and book/book chapters mainly as the main author, and also involves as a technical committee member to nearly 150 international scientific conferences. He is often invited to share his research experiences in international conferences held in Malaysia, Laos, Indonesia, Vietnam, Pakistan, The Philippines and China. In addition, he is an evaluator for research proposals from different agencies locally as well as from several international scientific bodies in the USA, Oman, Qatar, Kazakhstan, and Chile. He is also an expert panel of the Department of Environment Malaysia for the evaluation of Environmental Impact Assessment reports for various proposed projects related to petrochemical complexes, paper mills, metal smelting, chemical, lead-acid battery recycle plants, etc. He is one of the recipients of the Top Research Scientists Malaysia (TRSM) award in 2014 and listed in the List of World’s Top 2% Scientists by Stanford University in 2020 and 2021. His h-index (Scopus) currently stands at 54 with more than 10,000 citations.
Editorial Board
Environmental Engineering
- +604-5996215
- 0000-0001-6287-0560
- h-index: 85
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Hamidi Abdul Aziz is a professor in environmental engineering in the School of Civil Engineering of Universiti Sains Malaysia. Professor Aziz received his PhD degree in civil engineering (environmental engineering) from the University of Strathclyde in Scotland in 1992. To date, he has published over 200 refereed articles in professional journals and proceedings, 16 chapters in refereed international books, and 8 chapters in refereed national books. He has also published 9 research books. Dr Aziz continues to serve as a peer reviewer for more than 40 international journals. To date, he has reviewed 400 international papers. He also serves as a guest editor of the special issue on landfill leachate management and control of the International Journal of Environment and Waste Management (IJEWM). Professor Aziz currently serves as the editor-in-chief of the International Journal of Scientific Research in Environmental Sciences (IJSRES). He also serves as the managing editor of the International Journal of Environment and Waste Management, IJEWM and the International of Journal of Environmental Engineering, IJEE. Aside from these, he is a member of the editorial board of 10 other international journals in the environmental discipline. Professor Aziz's research focuses on alleviating problems associated with water pollution issues from industrial wastewater discharges and from solid waste management via landfilling, such as landfill leachate. Advanced oxidation processes is one of his research focuses. He also has strong interest in biodegradation and bioremediation of oil spills. Professor Aziz has been involved in numerous consultancy works and industrial testing projects related to water and wastewater treatment, solid waste management, landfill leachate treatment, curriculum design, environmental impact assessment, and environmental management planning, to name a few. Professor Aziz has also been involved in international projects. In 2011, he and his team started to be involved in the following two projects in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia: “The Proposed Design and Tendering for the Safe Closure of Muassim/Mina Disposal Site: Phase 1” and “The Proposed Design and Tendering for the New Phase of the Landfill at Kakia Disposal Site: Phase 1.” Both projects were sponsored by the Mayor of Makkah. Since 2011, he has also served as a member of the International Advisory Committee of the Center of Excellence in Environmental Science (CEES) in King Abdul Aziz University in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.
Editorial Board
Chemical and Environmental Engineering Processes
- 07 373 55289
- 0000-0002-5768-6133
- h-index: 44
Editorial Board
Faculty of Natural resources and Marine Sciences, Tarbiat Modares University, Mazandaran, Noor, Iran
Environmental Biotechnology, Renewable Energy, Microbial Fuel Cells, Wastewater Treatment
- +98(0)911 314 1655
- 0000-0003-3664-9525
- h-index: 60
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Habibollah Younesi is a Professor in the Department of Environmental Science of the Faculty of Natural Resources and Marine Sciences at Tarbiat Modares University, Nour, Iran. He received his Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering, Environmental Biotechnology, from Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM), Penang, Malaysia in 2005, M.Sc. in Applied Chemistry from Islamic Azad University, Arak, in 1998 and B.Sc. in Applied Chemistry from Islamic Azad University, Shahroud, in 1996.
Prof. Younesi's recent research interests include microbial fuel cells, biological wastewater treatment, CO2 capture on molecular sieves and activated carbon, including nanostructural materials, and advanced oxidation processes. He supervised 12 Ph.D. and more than 40 M.Sc. students. He is the author of the book entitled: “Application of Moving Bed Biofilm Reactor (MBBR) in Sanitary & Industrial Wastewater Treatment”. He owns 5 national patents and has published over 180 papers in ISI journals and 75 conference proceedings. He has successfully led more than 10 research projects funded by the Iran National Science Foundation (INSF) and industrial sectors and his organization from proposal writing until the closing of the projects. He has obtained 10 scientific awards and has been identified as the top 1% by ESI highly cited paper or hot paper from 2010-present. He is a member of the Editorial Board of “Iranian Journal of Energy and Environment” and “ECOPERSIA”.
Editorial Board
Hydraulic, Fluid dynamics
- 33-2-40-84-58-82
- 0000-0001-5536-2170
Editorial Board
Chemical Engineering, Computational Fluid Dynamics, Microfluidics, Renewable Energy
- +98(831)4274530
- h-index: 47
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Professor Masoud Rahimi is a faculty member at the Department of Chemical Engineering at Razi University. He holds PhD Chemical Engineering graduated from Manchester University, Manchester, England in 2000. His major research interests are CFD modeling, Microfluidics and Membrane separation. He has been appointed as head of “Advance Research in Chemical Engineering” Research Complex at Razi University since 2006 to present. He is between 1% world top Scientists (ESI/ISI) since 2016. He received the national award as “distinguished Iranian professor” in 2010. He has more than 200 articles in related subjects at international journals. He has successfully led more than 40 industrial research projects. He is editor in Chief of “Iranian Journal of Chemical Engineering” since 2019 and member of Editorial Board of journals of “modeling in Engineering”, Semnan University for 10 years and Journal of Applied Research in Water and Wastewaterfor 7 years.
Author Research ID:
Scopus Author ID:
Google scholar:
Editorial Board
Water Engin Water and Wastewater Engineering, Water Resources Management, Environmental Engineering
- 0000-0002-8982-8941
- h-index: 32
Editorial Board
Environment Health Engineering
- 0831-4274622-3
- 0000-0002-1506-7289
- h-index: 31
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Professor Ali Almasi is a Professor of the Department of Environmental Health Engineering at the Kermanshah University of Medical Sciences, that was being professorship from tenth March 2012. He has obtained his BSc degree in public health engineering from Shahid Beheshti University(SBU) in 1980 and his MSc in Tarbiat Modares University in 1987 and Ph.D degrees in Environmental Engineering from Newcastle University, New Castle Up on Tyne, UK, in 1994. His major research interests are in environmental science engineering and management areas such as environmental biotechnology design, and implementation, environmental impact assessment, micro pollutants bio-remediation as well as dealing with environmental issues at industrial and urban studies. He has been appointed as an academic board member of the Ministry of Health, Curative and Medical Education, for assessment and evaluation of educational processes and also, as a member of the Basic Science Publishing Working group of the Ministry. He has also operated nationwide and international conferences and workshops on air pollution control. Professor’s Almasi recent research interests include hard-biodegradable pharmaceutical and hazardous wastewater treatment especially using new methods including integrated physico-chemical, biological technologies, advanced biological and natural treatment systems. He supervised 2 Ph.D. and more than 62 M.Sc. students. He is the author of the book entitled: “The principle of environmental biotechnology”. He has published over 260 papers in national and international journals and conference proceedings. He is now working as chief of ‘Social Development and Health Promotion Research Center and also he is director of establishing the comprehensive health issue of Kermanshah province.
Author ID (Scopus) = 19433600700
Member of editorial board Iranian Journal of Health and Environment
Editorial Board
Membrane technology, Microbial fuel cell, Water and wastewater treatment
- 0000-0003-1697-8559
- h-index: 41
Editorial Board
Kermanshah, Iran
Environmental Health Engineering
- 0098-831-4274622-3
- 0000-0001-9189-772X
- h-index: 57
Editorial Board
Environmental Engineering, Nanotechnology, Ultrasonic, Biological treatment
- +98-21-82883328
- 0000-0001-7720-9863
- h-index: 23
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Dr. Bita Ayati is the Associate Professor in Environmental Engineering Division of the Civil and Environmental Engineering Faculty at Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran. She received her Ph.D. in Environmental Engineering from Tarbiat Modares University in 2005, M.Sc. in Environmental Engineering in 1998 and B.Sc. in Chemical Engineering in 1996, both from Sharif University of Technology in Tehran, Iran.
Dr. Ayati’s recent research interests include hard-biodegradable industrial and hazardous wastewater treatment especially using new methods including nano technology and advanced biological systems. She supervised 9 Ph.D. and more than 55 M.Sc. students. She is the author of the book entitled: “Application of Moving Bed Biofilm Reactor (MBBR) in Sanitary & Industrial Wastewater Treatment”. She has published over 170 papers in national and international journals and conference proceedings. She has obtained 15 scientific award including Young Scientist Awards from Man and Biosphere (MAB), UNESCO in 2002. She is a member of Editorial Board of “Iranian Journal of Energy and Environment”, “Modares Civil Engineering journal” and “Sharif Journal of Science”.
Editorial Board
Isfahan, Iran
Wastewater Treatment, Water Treatment, Environmental Project, Bioremediation
- +98 3137937032
- 0000-0002-8504-0516
- h-index: 26
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Mehrdad Farhadian is Associate Professor at Chemical Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering University of Isfahan. He holds PhD of Process Engineering graduated from University of Blaise Pascal, Clermont-Ferrand, France, in 2008. His major research interests are "wastewater treatment technology and Water reuse”, “Advance Oxidation Processes”, “Bioremediation”, “Desalination” and “Environmental Engineering”. He has been appointed as Head of Environmental Research Institute (ERI) at University of Isfahan (2013- Present). He owns 3 national patents, and also has published more than 50 articles in related subjects at international journals. He has more than 100 industrial projects in the field of Water and Wastewater treatment plants and Environmental Engineering (1998 – Present).
International Advisory Board
Universiti Sains Malaysia,
Engineering Campus, Seri Ampangan
14300 Nibong Tebal, Seberang Perai Selatan
Pulau Pinang, Malaysia.
Adsorption, Wastewater treatment, Air pollution
- +604-5996463
- 0000-0003-2811-1979
- h-index: 22
International Advisory Board
Faculty of Engineering and Green Technology
Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman
Chemical Engineering-Environment
- (605) 4688888
- 0000-0002-2507-3690
- h-index: 38
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Advisory Board
Biotechnology, Wastewater, Biofuel, Bioethanol, Drug synthesis via enzymatic react
- +98-911138305
- 0000-0001-9505-7146
- h-index: 60
Advisory Board
50 Stone Road East, Guelph, Ontario, N1G 2W1, Canada
Water Resources Engineering
- 519-824-4120
- 0000-0003-0454-2811
- h-index: 48
Advisory Board
Chemical Engineering-Renewable Energay from Waste
- +603-55146249
- 0000-0002-1436-4871
Advisory Board
Hydraulics and Water Resources Management
- +98 916 915 9830
- 0000-0002-4100-9699
- h-index: 44
Advisory Board
Environmental Engineering, Water and Wastewater
- 0000-0001-7063-3776
- h-index: 24
Advisory Board
Water Quality and Environmental Sciences
- 0000-0002-4974-0451
- h-index: 47
Executive Manager
Water and Wastewater Treatment Engineering
- +989187417792
- 0000-0002-9126-3214
- h-index: 16
Indexing Advisor
Information Science, Information representation and retrieval, Knowledge management, Journal indexing
- +989906063491
- 0000-0003-0877-1566
- h-index: 24