Document Type : Research Paper


1 Department of Water Engineering, Razi University, Iran

2 Department of Hydrology and Water Resources, Shahid Chamran University, Iran


In the simulation models of water resource systems, calibration processes should be performed to approximate the simulated values to the observed values due to the errors in such models. However, due to being time consuming and the difficulties associated with manual calibration, an automatic calibration model can be a resolver. In this research, the simulation of Jareh Dam and network system was conducted using the WEAP model. Then, by linking this model to the NSGA-II algorithm, its automatic calibration was performed by this algorithm. Nach statistical parameter was used to check the calibration accuracy of the model. The whole system was in the form of a multi-objective NSGA-II algorithm, in which the first objective function, which was to minimize the difference between the observed and the calculated reservoir storage volumes, was assessed versus the second objective function, which was to minimize the difference in the calculated and the simulated discharges, at two Mashin and Jokank stations. The results showed the remarkable ability of NSGA-II algorithm for automatic model calibration, so that the operation status of the dam and river was of the greatest consistency with reality.


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