Document Type : Research Paper
1 Environment Research Center (ERC), Department of Applied Chemistry, Faculty of Chemistry, Razi University, Kermanshah, Iran.
2 Water and Wastewater Research Center (WWRC), Department of Applied Chemistry, Faculty of University, Kermanshah, Iran,Chemistry, Razi
3 Department of Environmental Health Engineering, School of Health, Kermanshah University of Medical Sciences, Kermanshah, Iran.
In recent years, water scarcity has posed significant challenges to oil refineries. The escalating water demands of developing oil refineries in pace with the progressively stringent environmental, economic, and technical regulatory and suitability constraints necessitate seeking sustainable water and wastewater management strategies that encourage minimizing fresh water consumption through treated wastewater reuse. Thus, the main scope of the present study is to investigate a general procedure using innovative post treatment technologies in order to attain an almost zero discharge water management in real life - Kermanshah's oil refinery case study. The results obtained are proofs enough that the selected post treatment scenario can effectively minimize the overall fresh water demand.
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