Document Type : Research Paper


Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Bu-Ali Sina University, Hamedan, Iran.


The hydrous bed of the rivers covered with coarse alluvial materials is a good
resource along with other resources to provide the needs of the water. Therefore,
studying and investigating the flow behavior around wells excavated in these beds
and determining their discharge capacity is very important. Since the flow to the
wells is radial and previous research on coarse, porous media, there has been
mainly for parallel flows, and yet any equation replacing the Laplace relationship in
coarse, porous media, is not provided for non-Darcy radial flows with a free surface,
Therefore, the extraction of the differential equation ruling on these types of flows
in the cylindrical coordinates and a method for numerical solution of them in this
research has been followed. Based on the research carried out in this research, the
power (exponential) equation as the most suitable basic relation for the analysis of
radial flows was determined and used. Also, in order to solve the governing
equations a numerical model was developed using finite volume method. The
developed numerical model act well for the analysis of radial flows in the coarse
alluvial beds. The results of the implementation of the numerical model indicate that
the pressure distribution can be considered hydrostatic.


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